A Colon Hydrotherapy session will normally be 45-60 minutes active time on our colonic table, the L.I.B.B.E. open system. When scheduling your visit, your reservation for the therapy room could be up to 75 minutes. The extra fifteen minutes allows potty time after your colonic.

We understand that there are occasions when a client must cancel or miss an appointment due to unforeseen circumstances or a scheduling conflict beyond his or her control.  Please understand when we schedule appointments, we set aside time and professional resources to meet the individual needs of our clients.  When a client fails to show up for an appointment, or cancel the appointment without giving enough notice, our valuable time and resources are idle.  More importantly, a client service opportunity is missed.

There is a $50 deposit (will go towards your service) for new clients and those who have a history of no call/no show. This deposit will be forfeited if notification to cancel is not received 24 hours prior to the appointment time or you do not show to your appointment.

Further treatment and maintenance can be discussed with the therapist.

A sluggish digestive system may take years to be uncomfortable enough for you to seek help. Resolving the issue or issues take an effort on your part to bring you back to better health. Your bowel needs to be retrained to work optimally. For the best results, based on clients who have been before you, most find it necessary to have a colonic for every day they do not have a bowel movement. Colon Hydrotherapy using our FDA approved open LIBBE system will actually strengthen your colon muscle. It's like going to the gym for your colon. Your licensed Colon Hydro-Therapist will also give you many helpful tips in order to assist you in attaining your goal of colon regularity. We are your partners in your good health.